iOS 14: The App Clips
You can also read the full story on The Swift Nerd blog with the link below:
Its WWDC Time with apple releasing new features. Apple announced, “App Clips” for the latest iOS 14 that allows users to try an app without installing it.
An app clip is a lightweight version of your app that offers users some of its functionality when and where they need it.
With more than 2 million apps on the app store, it is challenging to find more new users which lead developers turning towards Appstore Ads and SEO to attract fresh users. The new feature will help users to discover the App Store without cluttering the home screen.
Google’s Android platform already offered tiny on-demand apps called “Instant Apps”. With this move, Apple is moving towards making apps seamless like the Web-Fast, Ephemeral with no space hassle.
App clips can be encoded in a URL using NFC tags, QR codes, messages, Apple Maps, Siri Suggestions.
App Clips size is restricted under 10 MB and will be bundled with the app on the App Store. App Clips will use the same code base as the main app but the code needs to be a container like a plugin module.
App clips will also address concerns over data privacy issues. Since App clips are run in the restrictive mode without access to much user data, also the data would perish if the user does not use it again in some time.
However, if the user uses an App clip frequently, then it can smartly cache the last sessions to show recommendations for example ordering a coffee. When a user downloads the app, the migration would be seamless and all the App-clips permissions and cached data would be transferred to the App.
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